Kata kunci: Berbasis Web, Booking, Penyewaan, Sistem Informasi, Waterfall.Ĭities worldwide have been trying to achieve a sustainable urban form to handle their rapid urban growth. Pengujian sistem menggunakan Blackbox Testing. Desain sistem menggunakan UML, sistem di bangun menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP, dengan basis data MySQL dan tampilan aplikasi menggunkan CSS Bootstrap. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu Wawancara, Observasi, Studi Pustaka dan Kuesioner. Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan Waterfall. Namun sistem informasi yang di terapkan dalam perusahaan masih cenderung memiliki banyak kekurangan dan kelemahan dengan menggunakan buku besar, oleh karena itu perusahaan perlunya Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Lapangan Bulu Tangkis Berbasis Web Pada GOR Villa Mas Indah Bekasi Utara dengan tujuan membantu dalam meningkatkan strategi marketing brand usaha dan memakasimalkan pelayanan dengan tujuan mempermudah kinerja dalam mengolah data, mengubah data, melihat informasi jadwal lapanagan, serta data tersimpan secara otomatis dan aman.

GOR Bulu tangkis Villa Mas Indah adalah brand usaha yang bergerak di bidang olahraga. Keywords: Booking, Information Systems, Rental, Waterfall, Web Based, Abstrak Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Lapangan Bulu Tangkis Berbasis Web Pada GOR Villa Mas Indah Bekasi Utara.

Testing the system using Blackbox Testing. The system design uses UML, the system is built using the PHP programming language, with MySQL database and application display using CSS Bootstrap. Data collection methods are interviews, observation, literature study and questionnaires. The system development method uses Waterfall. and maximizing service with the aim of facilitating performance in data processing, changing data, viewing field schedule information, and data stored automatically and safely. However, the information system implemented in the company still tends to have many shortcomings and weaknesses by using a ledger, therefore the company needs a Web-Based Badminton Court Rental Information System Design at GOR Villa Mas Indah Bekasi Utara with the aim of helping in improving the business brand marketing strategy. Badminton GOR Villa Mas Indah is a business brand engaged in sports. Reproduction, Publication, and/or Distribution of Portraits of the President, Vice President, former Presidents, former Vice Presidents, National Heroes, heads of State institutions, heads of ministries/nonministerial government agencies, and/or the heads of regions by taking into account the dignity and appropriateness in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.Web-Based Badminton Court Rental Information System at GOR Villa Mas Indah, North Bekasi.Any Publication, Distribution, Communication, and/or Reproduction executed by or on behalf of the government, unless stated to be protected by laws and regulations, a statement to such Works, or when Publication, Distribution, Communication, and/or Reproduction to such Works are made.Publication, Distribution, Communication, and/or Reproduction of State emblems and national anthem in accordance with their original nature.There shall be no infringement of Copyright for: