Questions about ALI? Contact Liz Foreman, CMC & Associates, Executive Institute (AEI) Please allow a minimum of three weeks for acceptance once a nomination is submitted.
#Aashto material classification registration
Click here to review the registration packet. Nominations received after that date will be considered only if space is still available. Nominations should be submitted no later than May 13. No more than four participants from any one AASHTO member department/affiliate may be enrolled in ALI.ĪLI will take place Thursday, June 23 to Friday, July 1 in Lawrence, Kansas. Enrollment in the 2022 AASHTO Leadership Institute is limited. Institute participants are selected from among those nominated by AASHTO member departments and affiliates. Participants should be motivated to develop their managerial and leadership skills, be interested in self-exploration, and be prepared to engage in learning activities and group discussions. Candidates who attend ALI should be in a management position or hold a position with organization-wide impact. Participants can expect hands-on instruction, engaging discussions, and the opportunity to learn by doing.ĪLI is designed to meet the needs of mid-to-high level managers considered high potential employees by their organizations. The content will be provided in a rich, experiential way. Over the course of the eight-day Institute, participants will also build their leadership skills and knowledge, learning to motivate and enable employees so their organizations can excel, and develop a greater understanding of transportation issues and resources, through engagement with national transportation leaders. Participants will focus on self-discovery and learn practical management techniques.
#Aashto material classification professional
ALI provides research-driven, professional instruction and the opportunity to engage and learn from other transportation professionals. The AASHTO Leadership Institute (formerly National Transportation Leadership Institute) is an eight-day immersive professional development experience held in Lawrence, Kansas. Questions about AMI? Contact Karen Crawford, 85 Nominations received after that will be considered only if space is still available. Nominations should be received no later than 30 days prior to the start date of each event. The training also allows participants to share experiences – difficulties, and successes that impact transportation managers – as they learn from one another in the interactive exercises throughout the week. For more experienced managers, the training updates and refines existing skills, challenges current thinking, introduces new concepts, and explores changing employee and customer relationships. Throughout the four-day training, participants are introduced to the tools, techniques and best practices required to effectively manage people and projects. This training offers content geared to providing DOT supervisors, managers, and leaders with the crucial competencies and resources needed to simplify and perform their critically important roles. The AASHTO Management Institutes (formerly National Transportation Management Conferences) take place on average five times a year at various locations around the United States.